
Having Fun with Every Frame

Italian animator Emanuele Colombo is known for his effervescent characters and crisp style. The self-taught freelancer has worked for some of the world’s biggest brands and has devoted time to nonprofit organizations like Greenpeace and This artist strives to change the world, one animation at a time. Emanuele Colombo grew up in the heart of

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In a Nutshell: Kurz Gesagt Explains it All

Read on Adobe Create The universe is an awe-inspiring place, a beautiful swirling storm of complex systems. It’s also extremely difficult to understand. Thankfully, there’s Kurz Gesagt, a team of artists and animators (based in Munich, Germany) who create entertaining, easy-to-understand animated videos about everything from the big bang theory and the origins of life

In a Nutshell: Kurz Gesagt Explains it All Read More »

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